The Exquisite Terror of an Empty Schedule

Jin Park
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Zhang Kenny on Unsplash

Here’s a fun experiment: next time you’re at a dinner party (the kind with artisanal cheeses and unidentifiable dips), casually mention you’ve blocked off the entire next day for “absolutely nothing.”

I guarantee you’ll get a triple-take, a nervous chuckle, and then that look people get when they’re trying to decide if you’re serious or just really, really weird.

The Cult of Busyness

We’ve become a society that equates busyness with worth. If your calendar isn’t a multi-colored testament to your productivity, you’re basically a societal freeloader, right?

Except, here’s the thing: that kind of thinking is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Think about it. Remember that time you finally finished that massive project? You know, the one that had you mainlining coffee and speaking in fluent deadline?

You probably swore you’d savor the downtime, let your brain marinate in the sweet, sweet nectar of accomplishment.

But what happened instead? You immediately filled the void with another project, another commitment, another shiny distraction to keep you from confronting… well, yourself.

Our Brains: Toddlers Thriving on Routine



Jin Park
Write A Catalyst

Top Writer at Hacker Noon | Entrepreneur & Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Seoul:Forge