Life Lessons | From Anonymous to Iconic

You Are Anonymous, A Simple Truth of Life

How you can avoid being a forgotten name. It’s time to carve your bold legacy!

Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst
Published in
7 min readApr 4, 2024


Am I doing anything that is memorable? Image by author via Midjourney.

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One quiet evening a few days ago, as I sat pondering, a curious thought struck me. Of the 180 classmates from my graduation, how many faces and names could I really bring to mind?

To my surprise, only a few came back to me. This sparked a deeper, more compelling thought — in the whirlwind of our lives, full of tasks and personal goals, are we creating moments or impacts that will truly linger in people’s memories?

This question often lingers in the background for many of us.

We’re constantly moving, achieving, and sometimes stumbling, but for what ultimate purpose?

Do our endeavors carry enough weight to etch a lasting mark in time, or will we simply fade into the background, lost in the grand narrative of history?

Consider the story of Mr. Narayana Krishnan, once a chef at the luxurious Taj Hotel. In 2002, he came face-to-face with a sight that would redefine his life’s path — witnessing an elderly, impoverished man in a heartbreaking state…



Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst

Fractional Chief Communications Officer embracing life's wisdom | By day crafting strategic communications and narratives | At night, asleep.