The “Lifelong Learning” Trap

Education has no end, and the fact we need to coin new terms to describe continuous learning is a red flag.

Neil Kollipara
Write A Catalyst


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Some phrases get thrown around so much they become cliché.

That’s what’s going on with the phrase “lifelong learning.”

Don’t get me wrong: It’s a sexy phrase and when you use it people immediately perk up.

After all, who wouldn’t want to label themselves as a lifelong learner?

Education is, in fact, a lifelong pursuit: It begins when you’re born and it ends when you die.

And anyone who doesn’t commit themselves to lifelong learning… well, they probably don’t have “lifelong learning” in their vernacular, let alone in their daily routine.

These kinds of people are uneducated or undereducated.

And many times, they’re in this position by no fault of their own.

Maybe their parents didn’t instill it in them or maybe they live in extreme poverty.

On the other hand, there is a group of people — people who go to university, get educated, enter the job market, and have the means to level up in their lives…



Neil Kollipara
Write A Catalyst

Articles about self-improvement and simple living. I write a newsletter called Creator Chronicles. Check out all my stuff at