Transform Your Life with Intentional Words

Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The power of the words we speak, especially in our internal dialogue, is a simple and effective way to change our lives. That’s why in the lines below, we discover the power of SUFFICIENCY and DESERVING. Use these words intentionally for 3 weeks and then observe the transformation that has occurred in your life. Who feels ready for such a challenge? Who truly feels the need for an essential change in what they experience in their daily life?

Why do we suffer in life?

Because something always seems to be lacking. Money isn’t enough, love isn’t enough, attention isn’t enough, self-confidence isn’t enough.

What if, instead of focusing on shortcomings, you start thinking about what is sufficient?
The universe and life offer us the things and people we think about the most.

Try telling yourself: “I have enough love.” How will you feel then?

Probably your feeling of happiness will increase.

“I have enough money! I have enough love! I have enough happiness! I have enough joy! I have enough freedom! I have enough beauty! I have enough energy!

Play with these words however you like. Form an affirmation with them and repeat it as often as possible. Shortcomings are not for you. What you have is enough for you. Shortcomings are an illusion; sufficiency is fulfillment.


If you don’t have something, it means you don’t need it. Instead, you underestimate yourself and believe you don’t deserve anything.
Try acting on the same scheme, say as often as possible: “I deserve true love! I deserve all the money in the world!

I deserve fulfillment, tenderness, and happiness! I deserve to have what I truly desire! I deserve to be with my loved one! I deserve to receive the very best from life!”

Repeat these two words as often as possible until you truly believe in them, and then miracles will happen!

Photo by Dom Aguiar on Unsplash

