The Sexy Truth: Why Sex Sells and What Science Says About It

Jin Park
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

You may have experienced a similar experience, when you’re walking through the mall, and a giant billboard catches your eye.

It’s a stunning model, barely clothed, selling… a burger?

It’s no secret that sex appeal is a powerful marketing tool, but why does it work so effectively? Is it just about primal urges, or is there more to the story?

Today I will try to cover what science, history, and psychology has to say about why sex sells.

The Historical Context

From ancient Greek sculptures to modern-day advertisements, sex appeal has been a constant presence. The Greeks celebrated the human form in their art, while today, brands like Calvin Klein and Victoria’s Secret continue the tradition in their marketing campaigns.

Even in the 19th century, French posters featured risqué imagery to attract attention. Clearly, this isn’t a new phenomenon. Sex has always been a way to grab attention and sell products.

Photo by Jianxiang Wu on Unsplash

The Science Behind Sex Appeal



Jin Park
Write A Catalyst

Top Writer at Hacker Noon | Entrepreneur & Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Seoul:Forge