The story of a magical journey to Eternal Rome

Denis Sab
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2024

Passion and Mystery in Eternal Rome

My heart was pounding a I stepped onto Roman soil for the first time. As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I was greeted by a charming sight — quiet streets, ancient buildings, every corner loaded with history. Rome soaks you in its fascinating past from the first moment.

The first stop, as usual, was at the magnificent Colosseum. It is really difficult to describe the grandeur of this ancient construction. With every step in the footsteps of the gladiators of old, it was as if we could hear the roar of the battles and the frenzy of the crowds heating the air.

The grandeur of the arena is overwhelming, leaving you speechless before the might of Imperial Rome.

The afternoon took us through the mysteries of the Roman Forum and towards the ancient Palatine Hill, the birthplace of the great city. A deep emotion gripped my soul as I trod upon the history-making stones, following the path that centuries ago led to the rise of the vastest empire the world has ever known.

In the evening we were enchanted by the bohemian air of the Trastevere neighborhood, celebrating its authenticity with a traditional dinner at an old trattoria. The robust wine and the tasty dishes prepared according to ancient recipes transported us as if into another temporal dimension.

Rome has this magical grace of perfectly blending the past with the present.

A new day in Rome meant a real lesson in history and art at the highest levels. The morning was spent in the sacred grounds of the Vatican, where splendor meets spirituality. Saint Peter’s Basilica is simply monumental, an architectural masterpiece that takes you by surprise and keeps you spellbound looking at every detail.

In the afternoon we enjoyed the panoramic view of Rome from the Capitoline Hill, from the famous Michelangelo’s Terrace. The eyes kneel in front of so many buildings and monuments loaded with history, evidence of the resilience and greatness of this city through its ages. You could hardly believe that such edifices have withstood the tests of time with such brilliance.

In the evening I walked through the historic center of Rome as if floating through a living fairy tale. At every step, a new picturesque corner, a new open-air masterpiece such as the breathtakingly beautiful baroque fountains: the Trevi Fountain, the Fountain of the Four Rivers… These architectural jewels are messengers of an era of glory and refinement lost over time.

The last day in Rome began with a visit the impressive ruins of the Baths of Caracallas. The imagination remains paralyzed to think that these buildings were just a fraction of a glittering city that was once home to a population of a million.

After so much historical grandeur, we felt the need for a refreshing break, so we turned our step to the enchanting gardens of Villa Borghese. A quiet place, embraced by the blind green of the vegetation, where we could breathe the fresh air and recharge our batteries.

Towards the end, we climbed to the top of the imposing dome of St. Peter’s Basilica for an overview of eternal Rome. From there, the views stretched over rusted rooftops, over centuries-old towers and buildings, to the famous Colosseum dominating the horizon.

An image that makes you realize that these ancient wonders are only the tip of a huge iceberg hidden beneath the Roman soil.

On the way to the airport, still enchanted by the atmosphere of Rome, I made promises to myself that I would return as soon as possible to this magical and eternally young city.

I am grateful to have been able to see with my own eyes so many treasures of humanity. These three days in Rome were a dream with open eyes, from which I woke up with memories that will remain imprinted in my soul forever.

It was an unforgettable experience, a profound lesson in history, art, and culture all in one place. Thanks for reading!

