Career | Genius Level Problem-Solving

The Unconventional Path to Professional Genius

When it is time to master your craft you have to break the mold for extraordinary results.

Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2024


A genius at work. You can be one too. Image by author via Midjourney.

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A true workplace genius is someone who turns simple ideas into extraordinary solutions, right?

Early on in my career, I found myself in the heart of Dusseldorf, a city where tradition dances with modernity. What a gem of a city, celebrated for its avant-garde architecture and vibrant arts, was my home at the time.

It wasn’t just a place to live, but a canvas of innovation and creativity.

In this city, where the old and new coexist in harmony, I met Michael. He was our creative beacon in the dynamic corporate world of Dusseldorf, revolutionizing problem-solving with his one-of-a-kind methods.

Looking back, I’m eager to share some unconventional, yet remarkably effective, problem-solving strategies inspired by those times, as relevant now as they were then.

The Limitations of Traditional Problem-Solving



Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst

Fractional Chief Communications Officer embracing life's wisdom | By day crafting strategic communications and narratives | At night, asleep.