The Value in Writing is Beyond Medium Paywall

All of a sudden everything starts to make sense

Bin Jiang
Write A Catalyst
4 min readJul 18, 2024


Yes, your earnings drop your traffic slows down, nothing seems to work and then you slowly give up trying. Consume by the norm. And yes this article is not under paywall so everyone can read it.

Image By Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

A comment from Buster Benson clears out most of our thoughts. They had not just changed the EPR but also the traffic being distributed.

I can’t believe I missed this but it is reasonable since I’m not going to look at the almost 500 comments on “Be part of a better internet” that Tony wrote back in June to see where Benson replied or Tony responded for the hint on the issue related to traffic distribution and earnings, I mean I should.

But thanks to Ron Markley again for sending over the link and his late take on the above issue is done with massive effort and research behind it. So I have to mention it here again.

In the link that Ron provided Both Buster and Tony responded to a writer named Pablo Andreu, who has been a member since July 2023, I see his concern as he did face the major update back in August 2023.

His comment I have no comment, but I did skim over his profile to see if his concerns within his comment were valid and applicable to his situation.

Was it a complaint or did it hold true to a real situation? You can judge by yourself. To me is it a good chance to use the good initiative to play the good guy.

I mean he posted 5 articles in June and 7 in July so far, that said a lot but I have to say his concerns were valid for those who write about something other than that well-performing topic and spend hours and hours here.

Let’s see how Buster and Tony respond to the question the “How to make X amount of $” article is doing so well causing other posts not to do too well.

Buster Reply to Pablo

First, he is asking the same question that I will ask, why are you looking at it if it is not in your feeds? So he asked, “Do you see these stories in your feeds?” It really does make no sense if to not clear the read history if you are seeing something that you do not like on your feeds. So Buster asked to do that as well and asked him to unfollow certain authors who write about these topics.

So far so good.

The sentence after the comma is where Buster reveals that “these kinds of stories have greatly declined in distribution”, there you go traffic suppression, shadow ban, you name it.

However, the issue now is where did they start or centralize the distribution limit. Some say it is per topic yet, okay we know that something was done to the traffic flow and that is why we are seeing more and more random results, not just for the topic, but all across the board.

I like how Tony stepped in and replied:

Image of a response from Tony

Both of them are responding to see if the issue is among the feeds or if is there something else under this account that needs to be fixed.

Image of a response from Tony

I would say is it personal or is it something that just bothers people in general?

At the end

Someone just took a blast even though it said not to. And did you see Buster did not clap on this comment?

Image of conversation between Buster and Pablo

I’m not sure if it is the feeds showing too many how-to-make-money posts or is it just that the fact that they are doing well bothers someone?

Yet, the context is not fully clear here and the topic writing is being held hostage.

That was the story.

For Medium members: Did you think your topic or traffic was affected by this?

And for the non-members that are readying, take advantage of the 20% off of becoming a Medium Partner Program ends 8/17/24.

Thanks for Reading.

So why the heck I would put my story off the paywall, maybe I know this one will earn less than a few $ if lucky.

And I want to see my real reach off the paywall and is there any meaningful insight to discover?



Bin Jiang
Write A Catalyst

Editor of Many Pubs. Work w/ The Co-Existing Self to Capture ideas and deeper meaning in your writing. On mindset, business, psychology, philosophy and +