Avoid This 1 Mistake To Improve Your Writing
Choosing Niche < Choosing Audience
From my 7+ years of writing journey, I came to the honest conclusion —
Making $1000+ per month is feasible but it can’t be earned passively or easily.
What Makes Earning From Writing Possible
We are in the Information technology era.
Information is content in the form of text, images, audio, and video.
To develop this information, basically content is essential. And that’s where writing gets paid off.
What To Produce Content On?
See, if you stumbled upon this question, I would ask you to actually take pen and paper.
Try the following honestly:
- Why do you think you should produce the content?
- What inspired you to produce the content?
- Are you producing the content for the sake of earning or as a hobby?
- How much are you aiming to earn?
- What’s your plan to achieve the desired amount?
If you have all the answers with you, I believe, you have planned to achieve your desired goal.