Member-only story
The Wonder of Creativity
Believe and you will achieve
I believe creativity is something a select few are born with. It cannot be taught, but it can be nurtured. When I was very young, I loved to draw and paint, inspired by the world around me…I painted a beach scene that graced my bedroom wall until I went off to college.
In the second grade, I won the Fire Prevention Poster Content at my school; my reward included a write-up in a local paper, The Observer, and an awards ceremony at the local fire station, competing with Dunkin’ Doughnuts and fruit punch. After that I was addicted to the positive attention my artistic pursuits brought me. Positive reinforcement is a wonderful thing!
I always loved music. When I was four years old, my parents bought me a Recorder. I walked around everywhere playing it, liked the Pied Piper of Hamelin…At the age of seven, I moved on to the Flute because my Mother loved James Galway. I got quite good but switched to Alto Saxophone in junior high; I won several competitions, but my senior year of high school, a much more talented player stole my thunder; I learned a few valuable lessons: Don’t get too comfortable; there’s someone out there who’s better than you and there’s no telling when they’ll pull the rug right out from under you.
I started writing fiction my junior year of high school, encouraged by my creative…