The words we say are to comfort ourselves.

People always want to hear the words they like.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Alexandra on Unsplash

I have watched many movies. Read books, novels, stories, quotes, and many other things that give different messages about life.

When I talk with people about their lives and experiences that they have had after many things that they have faced, people always say different things, and the words they say often contradict each other.

People will only like you when you say the words they want to hear.

Many times I have received hate after speaking the truth or the right thing. But I have also seen people get respect for the same words but in different situations, and I knew that if you want to get respect from people, then you have to say the words that satisfy their pride.

And that’s why words contradict each other.

Contradicting proverbs .

Actions speak louder than words. <----> The pen is mightier than the sword.

Knowledge is power. <----> Ignorance is bliss.

Look before you leap. <----> Whoever hesitates is lost.

Clothes make the man. <----> Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. <----> Better safe than sorry.

Money talks. <----> Talk is cheap.
Two heads are better than one. <----> If you want something done right, do it yourself.

Great minds think alike. <----> Fools seldom differ.

Birds of a feather flock together. <----> Opposites attract.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. <----> Out of sight, out of mind.

What will be, will be. <----> Life is what you make of it.

With age comes wisdom. <----> Out of the mouths of babies and sucklings come all wise sayings.

These are some famous proverbs, but they contradict each other, and many of these proverbs are very famous, and you should have heard them.

And by this time, you should know that the words often contradict each other, and we often want to hear the words according to the things we want to hear or depending on our situations.

