The writer is always correct.

The power of a writer.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 21, 2024


I have read many books, many stories, biographies, and many articles. In that, I have gotten to know many people and great figures from history and have learned about situations, problems, life, problem-solving skills, and many more things.

When I read a story or a biography, I usually admire the person and their insight into problem solving, and if I am too impressed, I try to follow his teachings and write their stories in my personal notes.

When I was a teenager, I read a web novel. In that, a villen wrote a letter to a doctor about some stuff, and in that letter, he portrayed himself as kind, helpful, and a man who could never do anything wrong. And I was so foolish to believe that. I was a little disappointed because he was a very cruel person, but I believed him to be kind.

And one day, I realized something. 
The things I realized were

  • "Writers are always innocent."
  • I realized no one would write bad things about themselves.
  • No one would defame himself.
  • No one would let their insecurity and worst side be known.
  • No one will make their crime known.
  • The one who is writing will always portray himself the way he wants; they will always make themselves kind, compassionate, knowledgeable, etc
  • Now that I have grown up, I know how much a writer has influence over their readers.

That’s why I said writers are never wrong; they’re always right, and they can gain sympathy for their skill.
Many things we read in history are not correct, but we tend to believe them. The more detailed the writing, the more we believe it. The more the writer has knowledge the more influence has on people.

A writer has the power to turn a cruel tyrant into a kind savior.

