There Are 2 Ways To Make Money Online And One Of Them Is Wrong

Get out of your employee mindset.

Maya Sayvanova
Write A Catalyst


Image by Canvva Pro

You can make a lot of money in your pyjamas these days.

I know some people still don’t get it, but the opportunity is real.

All you need is some writing & marketing skills.

That’s it.

If you have more skills, great. Your earning potential just increased.

But even if you just love writing and are willing to learn a little marketing, you’re all set. Sky is the limit.

I bet you’ve heard about these guys:

  • Tim Denning. The one and only. Made $1.7 million online and counting. How? Writing and marketing.
  • Dan Koe. Made $4.5 million in 2023 online. How? Writing and marketing.
  • Nicolas Cole. Made $5 million online and counting. How? Writing and marketing.
  • The list goes on: Ajodeji Awosika, Justin Welsh, and so many more — and these are just the millionaires. The 6-figure online writers are countless. I’m one of them.

You want the same results?

You can get them.

There’s just one problem. You probably think of making money online as a beginner.



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