These 9 Annoying Words Make it Obvious That Your Text is Written By A.I

Dodging AI red flags the smart way.

Stanley Udegbunam
Write A Catalyst


Image Generated By Author Using Microsoft Copilot and Canva

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in mimicking human language, but there are still some signs that give away its non-human origins.

If you’re an avid reader or you use tools like chatGPT often, then you should be able to differentiate “human-written” articles from “A.I generated” articles.

I work as an SEO Manager as a full-time job, managing content processes for firms alongside reviewing over 40–50 articles weekly from content writers.

I’ve been in the content-related field for the past 7 years, the repetitive and systematic process has subconsciously trained me to pinpoint A.I article at a glance.

Don’t get me wrong, this post isn’t to dismiss AI.

I use chatGPT regularly, especially for brainstorming ideas and I encourage everyone to adapt and utilize A.I tools as it help you stay ahead of the game.

However, it has to be in a way that feels and sounds natural.

You just can’t be lazy and publish A.I generated stories without any form of human editing.



Stanley Udegbunam
Write A Catalyst

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