This Professor Works 80h Weeks But Still Has More Free Time Than You — Thanks To a Simple Framework
Since following it I do more exciting stuff in one weekend than most people do in a year
Another early Monday morning at the office. My co-worker greets me.
“What did you do last weekend?” I ask her.
“That depends,” she replied.
“Depends on what?”
“Depends on whether lying on the couch all day alternating between binging Netflix and scrolling through Instagram counts as ‘doing’ something.”
Wasting my time
We had a good laugh. I admitted that my weekend had looked the same.
Later, I didn’t find it funny anymore.
I realized that I had wanted to do lots of exciting, meaningful stuff like going on a hike or playing soccer with my younger cousins. Instead, I wasted my weekend staying up late, sleeping in, and watching Netflix.
I am a student. I work a part-time job as a professor’s assistant. I won’t lie: my schedule is relaxed (35–45 hours/week).
Still, I used to get surprisingly few things done outside of work.