This Story Will Transform Your Mindset About Fitness

Never take your body lightly

Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst
3 min readSep 28, 2024


Source: freepik

This is the story of one of the most famous content creators online. I’ll reveal his name at the end, but for now, let’s dive into what happened.

At 32, he got a new lease on life. Or better yet, you could say, a second life. Up until that point, he had frankly abused his body.

He never exercised. He ate junk food. Every single day, he gave himself an excuse: “I’ll fix it tomorrow.”

But that “tomorrow” never came. So, his body gave him that tomorrow.

In 2012, at 32, he was told to stop walking. He was diagnosed with a serious medical condition called Avascular Necrosis — his right hip bone had started decaying because the blood supply to it had stopped.

Imagine that: your body, the very thing you rely on, starts to fail. He thought his life was going to change forever.

He underwent surgery. And was on bed rest for three months. Crutches for five more. His body recovered, but something deeper was shaken.

Life told him to stop walking. And it was the worst time of his life.

Then he did something crazy

In a moment of complete craziness, he decided he would run a marathon.
Let’s be honest here — he hadn’t even exercised before.

But he joined a gym for the first time in his life. And started running. But he hated it (he still does). He was out of shape and inflexible.

His body felt like an old car that hadn’t been driven in months.

It was hard. It was miserable. But he kept going.

Ten months later, he completed his first half-marathon — 21 kilometers!
Most people would stop there and call it a win, but not him.

In another moment of wild ambition, at 33, he decided, “Why not go for six-pack abs?”

Now, for context, his body fat was 26% at that time. Six-pack abs? You get those at sub-10% body fat. It was like trying to turn a brick into a diamond.

He had to change everything. His diet, his sleep schedule, his entire fitness regime.
And he did it. He got the six-pack abs.

He got fit.

Working out became part of his daily routine, and it stuck with him for life.

Ten years later, in 2024, he decided to go through the whole process again. This time, he was 43 years old — and “fat-free.”

Now, it’s time to reveal the person

He is the one and only Ankur Warikoo.

Yes, the same Ankur Warikoo you see online, sharing wisdom, business advice, and self-improvement tips.

But the part you don’t often hear is how his health journey completely transformed his life.

Body transformation of Ankur Warikoo
Image sourced from Ankur Warikoo’s Instagram

Now, Ankur does three things to maintain his second life:

1. Tennis

His favourite sport — it keeps him active and sharp.

2. E-biking

A way to spend time with himself and unwind.

3. Gyming

The gym is like a temple to him, where he worships his body.


Here’s the real takeaway: Don’t take your body lightly. Most people wait until their body gives them a shock to start caring.

It’s easy to take it for granted, especially in your 20s, when the damage doesn’t show right away.

But the time to start is now. Don’t wait until you wish you had. Start today, and one day you’ll say, “I’m glad I did.”

This is your sign — make your health a priority before life forces you to.



Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst

I write about self improvement, nutrition, fitness and life lessons | Connect with me: