Three Habits That Boost My Intelligence

Azeez Ajibade
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2024
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what separates the ordinary from those fleeting moments of profound insight? Developing routines to hone intelligence is an art worth learning, as it serves as our compass through the maze of life.
Imagine this for a moment: What if your intellectual capacity could be unlocked by adopting a few deliberate habits? In this exploration, I delve three habits that have not only transformed my life but may also be the missing piece you've been looking for: learning new things, exercising regularly, and striking a balance between work and play.

1. Learning new things

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was a voracious reader?
Legendary were Da Vinci's boundless curiosity and dedication to everlasting learning. He engaged himself in a wide range of subjects, from anatomy to engineering, continually broadening his horizons as a thinker. His proficiency in a number of subjects is evidence of the value of lifelong learning in realizing one's greatest mental capacity.

Consistent evidence backs up the claim that ongoing education improves cognitive performance. A 2013 study that appeared in "Psychological Science" discovered that cognitively challenging pursuits, such as picking up new skills or going after educational objectives, enhanced older persons' cognitive function. Exposure to new knowledge on a regular basis facilitates the establishment of new neural connections in the brain, which is known as neuroplasticity.
Intellectual progress is based on lifelong learning. Learning new things and applying them to your mind activates your brain and forms neural connections that improve your cognitive function. If you want to make this a regular part of your life, schedule specific time to read a variety of books, enroll in online courses, or take up new interests. Accept your interest and make an effort to find new things to learn. Your mind gets more durable and adaptive the more things you ask of it.

Advice for Putting Learning Into Practice

Create a reading list of topics outside your usual interests.
Every day, set aside at least 30 minutes to learn something new.
Participate in online forums or discussion groups to learn from others and share your thoughts.

2. Exercise

Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Studies indicate that engaging in physical activity can enhance cognitive performance and lower the risk of cognitive decline. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that promotes the development and maintenance of neurons, has been associated with higher levels of exercise.
Frequent exercise encourages the creation of new neurons, increases blood flow to the brain, and improves the general health of the brain. To get the most out of your regimen and enhance cognitive benefits, mix up your aerobic and strength-training workouts. Make physical activity a priority in order to improve your mental and physical health, whether it's through a vigorous walk, a trip to the gym, or an at-home workout.

Advice for Including Exercise

  • To help you develop a sustainable workout routine, find something you enjoy doing. Personally, I like to run.
  • Intersperse extended periods of sitting with brief, vigorous breaks.
  • Try to get in at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-to-intense activity.

3. Finding a Work-Life Balance

Photo by Elena Rabkina on Unsplash

Were you aware that Steve Jobs takes breaks during the day?
Co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs was renowned for his extraordinary creativity and dedication. Jobs recognized the value of striking a balance between work and downtime. He held walking meetings to encourage innovation and deliberately took breaks to mentally refresh himself. Not only did the outcome yield innovative items, but it also left a legacy of innovation.

Studies emphasize how crucial it is to strike a balance between work and rest periods in order to maintain cognitive function. Short pauses throughout extended work improve productivity and lessen mental strain.
While maintaining laser-like focus throughout work is beneficial, an unbroken workday might impair cognitive function. Maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout require finding a balance between work and breaks. Use the Pomodoro Technique, which has you working for 25 minutes and then pausing for 5 minutes. This cycle promotes improved cognitive capacity by maintaining focus while allowing for small periods of rest.

Work-Break Balance Advice

  • Make breaks a priority to prevent mental exhaustion.
  • During breaks, stretch or take quick walks or other soothing activities.
    Schedule your work in concentrated bursts to stay productive.
  • Organize your work in concentrated bursts, drawing inspiration from Jobs' method of effective time management.

Developing deliberate practices can help you develop intelligence, which is a dynamic quality. By accepting lifelong learning, getting regular exercise, and finding a work-life balance, you give yourself the capacity to improve your general wellbeing and cognitive capacities. It is clear from studying da Vinci's and Jobs' routines that these behaviors are not limited by space or time. Start putting these habits into practice right now, and you'll see a radical improvement in your IQ and overall well-being.

Move in the direction of a more knowledgeable and well-being self. Start modest: choose one habit and make a commitment to adopting it this week into your everyday schedule. As you develop these habits over time, you'll reap the significant advantages of a more intelligent mind and a more satisfying existence.

Thank you for reading 👍!!
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Azeez Ajibade
Write A Catalyst

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