Tim Denning’s Four Tips On How *Not* To Write An Article

Some brutal advice from Medium’s top writer

Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst


A picture of Tim Denning (Credit: Tim’s Instagram)

You can consider Tim Denning the G.O.A.T. of Medium. If you've never heard of him, you probably haven’t spent much time on this platform.

The seven-figure writer with 325k Medium followers recently hosted a masterclass with Todd Brison called Double Your Social Media Engagement. Although the title sounds like the program is about social media growth, it was more about writing, which was even better.

The maximum time in the two-hour session was dedicated to Tim providing feedback on the articles and social media posts people sent for review. They were brutal. Tim said he didn’t find one good article among the four hundred they received.

I learned a lot from the masterclass. Most of the lessons were about what not to do rather than what you should do.

When you understand what you should avoid, you can figure out what to do. That’s what I did.

The main lesson

Before I give you the four essential lessons I learned, I want to give you an idea of what online writing is about.

Most writers believe writing is about context and ideas. They think success can only be achieved by writing excellent…



Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—store.bilizmaharjan.com