Two Fathers Are Better Than None

More love than I ever had

Chelsea G. 🏆
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Hearts and more hearts, a massive amount of love and protection for my girls.

I divorced. This was not anything I ever wanted for myself or my girls, but it is what it is.

I did all I could to ensure we remained as much a family as possible. Putting down my anger and resentment for holidays and celebrations…together.

We pick ourselves up and move forward for them.

I found my final rose, my now husband.

He became a stepdad, which is much more than this compound word.

Stepdad and real dad are the same.

The role a father plays can be filled with no title needed.

See, my dad was not able to participate in my life; he was overtaken by alcohol and an inability to commit to his kids — heartbreak for me.

As a mom, I witnessed these two men's love for my girls. The showering of love, protection, and support was a marvel for me to watch.

I was a witness to something so foreign to me.

Two men, double the love.

Never missing a school or sporting event, at every Birthday, prom, or milestone marked by the love of two men.

Words of love and support during those troubling middle and high school years.

Having the cleanest soccer cleats and uniforms, I still can picture my husband washing away the dirt at the kitchen sink long into the night.

My girls had everything I didn’t: double the love, support, and encouragement — two men who believed in them.

Two cheerleaders for all of life’s big and small moments.

I could see clearly what I missed out on, but I reveled in the gift I somehow gave them in a heartbreaking situation such as a divorce.

Making lemons out of lemonade.

Two fathers instead of none.

My girls are two amazing women who know the love of not just one but two dads on this special day today.

Father’s Day.

A day of celebration of a father’s love. I celebrate today with a full heart for the love I was so lucky to witness. It was a gift for my girls that, at the time, I couldn’t see.

But I see it now.


Thank you for being here and sharing your thoughts on my journey.



Chelsea G. 🏆
Write A Catalyst

B.S. Food and Nutrition. I'm here to help it all make sense. I got a late start in life, but I'm finally out of hiding.