Unveiling Freemansonry: “I Have No Regrets Being a Member of Freemason for 25 years”- Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

Similarities between Phi Beta Kappa and Freemasonry are easily seen. First, both organizations held their meetings within a shroud of secrecy.

Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst
15 min readJun 6, 2024


Screenshot from You Tube Asem Sebe TV.

Matters are rising and things possibly are heating up since majority of hidden or occult truths are now being revealed to the public. This might sound a bit strange to your ears because we are in the year 2024 and the world has already gone mad.

I want us to look at a little message from the new International Version of the Bible in Luke 8:17; “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open”.

Why do you think I have included the bible verse. Now, the main reason for this is that, all if not, majority of us possibly or idealy know that the Freemasonry is a secret society.

We all if not most of us have felt the energies of 2024, with the revelation of many truths and somewhat the rise of advanced Artificial Intelligence.

What Then is The Perception About Freemasonry to The Ordinary Ghanaian.

According to an article published by Adomonline.com from Myjoyonline.com, The Deputy Trade and Industry Minister, Nana Dokua Asiamah-Adjei has mounted a spirited defense for Freemasonry.

The Akuapem North(Ghana) Member of Parliament said tagging such persons with activities such as “carrying pots, drinking blood, and eating human flesh,” stems from ignorance.

“How can you assume gentlemen of good standing, well-dressed up in their suits, carry pots, drink blood, and eat human flesh’?” she questioned.

From the report, it could intuitively be deduced that, the perception about Freemasonry in the Ghanaian society is that of a bloody rituals. But literally, is that the case though?

I am a Ghanaian, and from the experience I got from my childhood, that is the perception most Ghanaians have about Freemasonry, being a group of people who do bloody rituals for money. This has happened to most of us because during our childhood days we use to watch movies which people term occultic. And this occultic movies from the movie industries hypnotized us making us believe that Freemasonry is all about bloody rituals.

And as we know, television is one of the instruments for hypnotizing and brainwashing the masses.

So the question arises. Why would a movie industry bring out such a movie for the masses to watch.

We all understand how the rich few control the majority of the population and the movie industry is one of the major tools for propagating such an agenda to the masses.

This in fact makes you loose your sense of self.

But are Ghanaians Already Elites/ Freemasons by Birth or Culture.

Now, I want us to look at a research carried by one top most researcher called AkanBa from Ghana.

According to AkanBa, Author of Revelation: The Movement of the Akan People from Kanaan to Ghana, a magnificent work of research, is a researcher who has provided the world with some deep research into ancient times. Drawing painstakingly on research, AkanBa tells us that: Black civilizations in Africa have a rich history, with some mentioning the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires, while others mention recent kingdoms like Ashanti, Dahomey, Kano, Monumutapa, and Zulu.

Nubia, for example, spanned over 3,000 years of continuous culture from the kingdom of Kerma (2500BC) until the Meroitic period (around 500AD).

Sumer and Akkad were under black rule from 5,000BC to 2,000BC, followed by Kemet/Egypt and Nubia for another 2,000 years until around the time of Christ.

The ancient Ghana empire was already on the move at around 500AD, and black civilization continued to shift westward into West Africa, Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa.

“Here is the main point to take away from this article, if you don’t get anything at all, according to AkanBa’s research.Not only were there black people in Mesopotamia thousands of years ago. The black people of those times were also among the rulers, the teachers and the high officials of that time. They were among the elite, that contributed to building high culture.

This is a historical fact".

Drawing from AkanBa’s research, we can conclude that, during the ancient times, there were Elites among the black Civilization who contributed massively to the building of the African Culture.

So, drawing from AkanBa’s article, we can now know that, the black civilization in antiquity was indeed a powerful and a more prosperous culture.

AkanBa further tells us that, After the western religious and scientific researchers failed to perform their duties right, trying to blind other people, finding ways to deny the AkAn and GuAn people from their origin as founders of Chaldear (Babylon), Aramaic Kingdoms, Edom, Kanaan, Israel, Carthage, Carthage Nova, RaSena (Etrusker), Kapua, KreTa, Kibi, BilMa, GaNa and SonGhaye; we the AkAn and GuAn folk of today have taken up our tools and have gone beyond our ancient GaNa and SonGhaye Empires until we could break down that untouchable Bible into pieces.”

So, if there were black Elites during the past Civilizations, then what do we mean the being an elite?

In political and sociological theory, the elite (French: élite, from Latin: eligere, to select or to sort out) are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a group (wikipedia.com).

Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, the "elite" are "the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society."

Was the First President of Ghana an Elite/ Freemason?


Brother President Kwame Nkrumah, born in 1909, was raised in an illiterate village in Ghana of West Africa. Kwame Nkrumah attended a Catholic school, developing academic skills and exposure to ideas from W.E.B DuBois and Marcus Garvey. Being influenced by Nigerian Sigma man Brother President Nnamdi Azikiwe, Kwame Nkrumah pursued further education in America, graduating from Lincoln University and pledging Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in 1942.


The Gentleman of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., are often called the Fraternity of African Presidents, Kings and Princes; however the fraternity was not the first black fraternity to be founded.

It was in the year of 1776 that the age of college fraternities took a secretive turn (Torbenson, 1992). That phi beta kappa year marked the founding of the first Greek-letter society, the college fraternity Phi Beta Kappa at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Although not sanctioned by or directly connected to Freemasonry, Phi Beta Kappa patterned its initiations, oaths, and modes of proliferation after those of Freemasonry (Voorhees).

Two of the founding members and a total of ten early members of Phi Beta Kappa were Freemasons (Torbenson).

Similarities between Phi Beta Kappa and Freemasonry are easily seen. First, both organizations held their meetings within a shroud of secrecy.

Freemasonry and Phi Beta Kappa both required new initiates to take voluntary oaths of fidelity. The oaths of Phi Beta Kappa mentioned the “Holy Evangelists of Almighty God” and a “Supreme Being,” both of which are commonly referenced in Masonic lodge ritual (Voorhees, 1945, p. 1).

The three Greek letters stood for Philosophia Biou Kybernetes, “Love of Wisdom, the Guide of Life,” a parallel to Freemasonry’s reverence for “Light,” or knowledge.

Taking an extract directly from wikipedia.com to buttress my augments, the Ghana Empire a kingdom that controlled territories in modern Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali, was established around 1076. The area of the Republic of Ghana (the then Gold Coast) became known in Europe and Arabia as the Ghana Empire after the title of its Emperor, the Ghana.
It is uncertain when Ghana’s ruling dynasty began among historians. The first identifiable mention of the imperial dynasty in written records was made by Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī in 830. Further information about the empire was provided by the accounts of Cordoban scholar al-Bakri when he wrote about the region in the 11th century.

After centuries of prosperity, the empire began its decline in the second millennium, and would finally become a vassal state of the rising Mali Empire at some point in the 13th century.

Despite its collapse, the empire’s influence can be felt in the establishment of numerous urban centers throughout its former territory.

In 1957, the British colony of the Gold Coast, under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah named itself Ghana upon independence.

We noticed from AkanBa that, the ancient Ghana empire was already on the move at around 500AD, and black civilization continued to shift westward into West Africa, Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa. So, let’s ask the question;

Who were the Emperor’s of the Then Ghana Empire?

Note: Emperor in Ghanaian Twi Language is Otumfuo.

From wikipedia.com talking about the history of the Akwamu people, they are one of the oldest Akan states, along with the Fante and Akyem states.

Akwamu was a state set up by the Akwamu people in present-day Ghana. After migrating from Bono state, the Akan founders of Akwamu settled in Twifo-Heman. The Akwamu were ruled by the king of the Yaa Ansaa Royal Family of the Aduana abusua (maternal clan). The Aduana along with the Asona are the only groups where intermarriage between the same clan members is allowed among Royals.

Akwamu generated wealth through commodity circulation, fines, taxes and tributes. An account of the city in 1684 is the oldest recorded description of the city which Swartz and Dumett quote as:

The King [Ansa Sasraku (d.1689)] lives twelve leagues from the sea; he is one of the greatest rulers of Guinea. The place where he lives is well-policed, and the Frenchmen whom I sent there assured me that they have never seen a place of greater beauty; the streets of the town, which are thirty feet wide, are lined up for a distance of three leagues with trees. He has 600 officers at his court with numerous soldiers and much gold.

According to Akwamu tradition, Otumfuo Ansa Sasraku I, played an important role in the life of King Osei Kofi Tutu I of Ashanti by protecting him from Denkyira. It was at Akwamu that Osei Tutu met Okomfo Anokye.

Picture of Okomfo Anokye commanding the Golden Stool from the Sky.

With the aid of Akwamu, Ashanti embarked on a series of campaigns which led to the defeat of the Denkyira. The Akwamu empire fell after it was subjudicated by the Akyem in the 18th century.

List of Akwamu Ruler and Period of Reign.

Screenshot from Wikipedia.com I List of Akwamu Rulers and Period of Reign.
Screenshot from Wikipedia.com I List of Akwamu Rulers and Period of Reign.

As it is already known from the history of the Akwamu people that, they belong to the Aduana Family.

The Aduana (Atwea, Abrade, Amoakare ne Ada) Abusua is one of the Akans’ biggest abusua, or clans. The Aduana are said to have been led out of the ground by a hound with fire in his mouth. Thus, they are known as Ogyaasefuo. This has also become one of Dormaahene’s praises, as he is also from the Aduana family.

Screenshot of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Dormaahene Osagyefo Agyeman Badu II.

According to oral tradition, a moiety of Bonos emerged from a hole called Amonwi (Sun) cave due to an earthquake at Pinihini near Fiema in Nkoransa state, and converged with the former group at thither. With the leader being Ohene Asaman in consultation with his god (bosom buru or bosommuru) for guidance, the god advised him to build towns or states.

The god therefore got his laudatory name Biakuru, meaning “he who builds towns”. Bonos then proceeded to build a town called Yefiri (literally “we are coming out of the cave”).

When it comes to the people of Wenchi who are also part of the Aduana Abusua (clan) of the Bono people, there are two competing traditions of origins of Wenchi which underpins the contest of the Wenchi stools.

These two competing traditions are the Safoase Yefiri and the Ahenfie Yefiri (Busia, 1968). According to oral tradition of the origin of the Wenchi by the Ahenfie Yefiri people, Ameyaw, 1965, writes that the apical ancestors of the Wenchi emerged from the ground or came out of a hole.

Ameyaw further writes that, this hole which the apical ancestors came from is the site for the festival known as Murukuo.

It should be well noted that Safoase Yefiri is the ruling house to which Professor Kofi Abrefa Busia belonged. Kofi Abrefa Busia born in 11th July 1913 was a Ghanaian political leader and academic who was a Prime Minister for Ghana from 1969 to 1972.

From the Ahenfie Yefiri oral tradition we noticed that, the hole from which the Wenchi (Bono) people emerged, the festival celebrated at the site was the Murukuo. Concerning the oral tradition of the Bono people, the god who gave advice for the town Yefiri to be created was Bosommuru and the festival celebrated at the site was Murukuo.

So now lets find an English meaning to the Murukuo since it is a Ghanaian Twi word. Bosommuru literally means wise advisor or counsellor as the name given to the late Kofi Annan, the UN General Secretary.

One of the highest traditional honors of the Asante Empire is the Busumuru (Bosommuru). The honor is comparable to a civilian prize like the Presidential Medal of Freedom or a noble title in certain ways. Kofi Annan received the honor in 2002 from Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene, for "his selfless contributions to humanity and promotion of peace throughout the world."

So, breaking down the words into two; we have Muru and Kuo. Muru literally means Wise or Wisdom whereas Kuo means a group of people or a community of people.

So, making some deductions we can literally say Murukuo means a Community of Wisdom.

Let’s also find the meaning of Bosommuru since it is also a Ghanaian Twi word. Splitting the words into two, we have Bosom and Muru. Bosom in English language actually means God whereas Muru means Wisdom. So therefore Bosommuru becomes God of Wisdom.

Making a clear analysis, we can conclude that the god who advised his people to create the town called Yefiri is the God of Wisdom with his people representing the community of Wisdom.

Who Then is the God of Wisdom?

Adapa, in Mesopotamian mythology, legendary sage and citizen of the Sumerian city of Eridu, the ruins of which are in southern Iraq. Endowed with vast intelligence by Ea (Sumerian: Enki), the god of wisdom, Adapa became the hero of the Sumerian version of the myth of the fall of man. The myth relates that Adapa, in spite of his possession of all wisdom, was not given immortality.

We realized from AkanBa that the ancient Sumerians/ Mesopotamian and Akkadians consisted of black people who cntributed to the high civilization of their culture. Drawing from this analysis we can say according to AkanBa that, the Akans were present in those days.

Literally, we can say that the God of Wisdom in Ancient times will be an Akan.

According to the culture and concept of the Bonoman who are called Akandifo, their queenmother is always seen as the daughter of the moon. The queenmother symbolizes the female characteristics of Nyame, the Supreme Being who created the universe by giving birth to the sun (Amowia). We definitely know that, the hole where the Bonos emerged from is called Amowi (Sun). The sun is regarded as the son of the moon and is personified as the Sungod. The queenmother is represented as the great Mother-Moon-goddess, the king as the Sungod, and the state as the Universe.

Silver represents moonlight as the colour of the queenmother, just as gold, the colour of the sun, represents the king.

Who is a Sungod?

A solar deity or sun deity is a deity who represents the Sun or an aspect thereof. Jesus is a metaphor for the Sun, according a book titled Word Magic by Pao Chang. This is why he is sometimes refered to us God’s Son/Sun. This fact is even more profound when we consider the reason why majority of christians go to church on Sundays. When you split the word into two you get Sun and Day (Sun- day) which obviously mean the day of the Sun.

Let’s talk about some evidence that shows that Jesus is a metaphor for the Sun. Some of the evidence will come from the study of the sun-gods of ancient mythology and you will notice that Jesus has similar characteristics to those of ancient sun-gods. Here are some characteristics of sun-gods:

  • The Sun is the “Light of the World”
  • The Sun “cometh on clouds and every eye shall see him”
  • The Sun rising in the morning is the “ Saviour of Mankind”
  • The Sun wears a corona, “crown of thorns” or halo.

Many of the characteristics of Jesus were copied from the ancient religious stories and myths about solar deities. Because of this, Jesus is the modern version of ancient solar deities, going all the way back to ancient Egypt, Babylonia and beyond. Some of these ancient solar dieties are Horus, Ra, Osiris, Attis, Helios, and Baal.

Screenshot from the Akan.com I The Sumerians and Akkadian People were Among the Ancestors of the Akans and Other Blacks.

One of the main reasons that the ancient civilization worshiped the Sun is because it is an intelligent creator. Some researchers of occultism have said that the Sun is the creator of the planets and the elements in our solar system, and palys an important role for creating our holographic reality.

In a way the Sun is the physical manifestation of the “fire” of God. This fire is the creative spiritual force that manifests light, which is what everything isn the visible and material universe is made of.

Here is an excerpt from Freemasons- Freemasonry.com that explains the Star represents in more details:

Within the Craft degrees, the figure of the Pentagram may also be seen in the image of the 5 rayed Blazinf Star. According to Albert Pike, the pentagram is synonymous with the Blazing Star of Masonic Lodges:

The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represents Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls. Our Ancient English brethren also considered it an emblem of the Sun. In the old lectures they said: “The Blazing Star or Glory in the centre refers us to that Grand Luminary the Sun, which enlightens the Earth, and by its genial influence dispenses blessing to mankind.

It is also said in those lecturess to be an emblem of Prudence. The word Prudence means, in it’s original and fullest significance, FORESIGHT: and accordingly the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omiscience, or the ALL- SEEING EYE, which to the Ancients was the Sun.

The Masonic scholar Rex Hutchins asserts that the Pentagram is the symbol of the Divine in man (Pao Chang).

The five-pointed star with a single point upward represents the Divine. It also symbolizes man for its five senses, the five members (head, arms, ansd legs) and his five fingers on each hand, which signify the rokens that distinguish the Masons.

https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1127659194182450577/ I Flag of Ghana Showing the Five- Pointed Star

Furthermore he writes that this figure is the symbol of the Microcosm, the universe where human dwell. Since the pentagon which encloses the pentagram may be formed by connecting the five points of the human body, for many centutries the symbol was also used to represent humanity in general.

https://www.pinterest.com/pin/79938962128899856/ I Symbol of the Masonic All Seeing Eye


One of the earliest appearances of the Masonic All Seeing Eye is found in a personal seal of Bro. Robert Moray (1609-1673). Bro. Moray was known as one of the founders of modern Freemasonry in Great Britain, a Scottish soldier, and natural philosopher. Historians have studied a partial wax impression of the seal depicting a circle with an eye at the center, and rays radiating around the circumference.

Despite the lack of certainty, many historians suggest a clear connection to the Eye of Providence (Freemason.com).

The connection of the Eye of Providence to Freemasonry in the United States emerged when Thomas Smith Webb wrote and published his book, The Freemason’s Monitor, or Illustrations in Masonry, in 1797. This book had a significant impact on Masonic ritual in America, and especially of York Rite. Before this publication, the Eye was considered an emerging symbol in the Craft.

The symbol of the all seeing eye serves as a reminder to Freemasons of the watchfulness of the Great Architect.

Our brotherhood is held to a high moral standard, dedicating our lives to community, self-improvement, and seeking light. As we commit to Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth in all that we do, we have these symbolic reminders that surround us, reminding us of where our values lie. Thus, the Eye of Providence reminds us of the need for our actions to be just and for us to live humbly and in harmony with all creation (Freemason.com).

Where is the Murukuo Festival Celebrated in Ghana.

The Murukuo festival is celebrated by the people of Kofiasua, a suburb of Dormaa- Ahenkro in the Bono region of Ghana.

Screenshot of Map of Kofiasua from Mapcarta.com.

In conclusion history is the present. That’s why every generation writes it anew. But what most people think of as history is its end product, myth." - E.L. Doctorow.



Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst

Biochemist, Metaphysicsian, Ancient Spiritual Knowledge And Alchemy. Self development. Human evolution. Consciousness. Mysticism and Psychic.