Value for money

Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2024
Image by Frantisek Krejci from Pixabay

Speaking about the worth of money from someone who doesn't earn a thing herself comes across as a little sarcastic. Whether or not I make money is irrelevant; what matters is that I, or anyone else, value money.

I come from a society where an ordinary person's ability to save is really important. We appreciate our savings for a safe future, but what kind of security is it now that we must consider? As a result, it functions as a safe option for any person's life. We are aware of a "emergency" that occurs without knocking on your door. Alternatively, if it is a financial emergency or any other type of financial support, then this saving thing comes into action.

Returning to the monetary worth, we are seeing an increase in peer comparison and competitiveness. These days, everyone is in competition with one another on all fronts: lifestyle, social standing, education, business, eating habits, speech patterns, and so on. Really, we are always comparing ourselves to other people and simply duplicating what they do with added gloss on it to try and look better than them. What about money now? And now for the cash. Money is necessary to maintain such a lifestyle or personality since nothing is possible without it, and as we all know, the modern world is too harsh for anybody to live in. getting genuinely nice, gorgeous money these days is almost unattainable (but this does not imply that no one is getting good money). Earning money is just too dang hard these days.

The important thing to remember in this situation is that living your life is not a problem as long as you do it rationally and in your own way. You need money to live a decent life. What would you save for a potential tomorrow if you blow all of your money at once on your opulent habits?

