We Are Always Leading By Example — Here’s Why

No matter what, there’s always someone who studies you

Mikey's Memories
Write A Catalyst


A man leading a group of hikers over a sunset
Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

I always heard the term lead by example growing up. Usually it was in the context of church, but it was always the case of “I’ve heard of it, but I couldn’t tell you what it looks like.”

Whether we like it, or not, every single one of us is a leader by example. But, we get to decide what that example is.

This is the case in three different ways:

  • To others intentionally
  • To others unintentionally
  • To yourself subconsciously
A group around a campfire
Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

To others intentionally

This is the obvious one, right? This is your average thought leader, shift manager, older brother or sister, the one who makes the plans in your friend group, etc.

They are leading by an intentional example because they want you to model that behavior in order to be successful or achieve a select result.

  • A thought leader will do this so you can model the behavior of good mental practices and health



Mikey's Memories
Write A Catalyst

I'm a hypnotist who's attempting to fulfill every passion project he's got and showing people how to do the same through what he's learned.