What It Means to Be a Real Artist

Real artists create, others find excuses

Williams Oladele
Write A Catalyst
3 min readJul 14, 2024


Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash

“What does it mean to be a real artist? It means you are spending your time doing the things that matter most to you. It means you don’t need someone else’s permission to create.” ―Jeff Goins, author, Real Artist Don’t Starve.

The critics will come for you; they always do. But you are not the only one they attack; they attack just about any serious creator. The naysayers are not going anywhere. They’ve always been here, and they will be here as always.

You need neither their permission nor their endorsement. All that matters is getting your voice out to those who want to hear it and those who need to hear it. This starts with an unbending will to create in the face of whatever obstacles may come your way.

Every top artist knows this

“As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting up yourself for disaster. You have to be whole and complete in yourself. No one can give you that. You have to know who you are―what others say is irrelevant. “ ― Nic Sheff

There are far too many forces seeking to stifle your creative voice. It takes an unbending will, one that would never be beaten to submission, to rise above these forces and speak in spite of them until you are heard.

It takes bravery, knowing that your voice is more important than the fear of the naysayers or the fear of irrelevance or failure.

Until you jettison your need for permission to create, you can’t increase your capacity to create. Until you overcome your demand for validation, your creativity cannot reach its apogee.

No one can give you the wholeness and completeness that you seek. It cannot be found on the outside, only in the inside―in your own self. It’s intrinsic, it’s innate.

It’s not out there waiting to be realised from a pundit’s approval or a critic’s commendation. Once you come to this consciousness, you cease to seek it from others whatever their status or qualification.

Knowing this truth changes everything

Any creative activity is an act of personal expression; it is art. And any form of expression requires mettle since it won’t sit well with some people. A section of people will always disagree with your expression, but that’s fine.

Your job is not to please everyone.

Your calling is to create―to give expression to those ideas in a way only you can. It’s an undertaking only you can accomplish. Your creations are art―unique and subjective expressions you share with the world.

In trying to please far too many people, you would lose who you are, your unique creative genius inclusive. This is not what you want.

Remember the Greek philosophy: Know yourself, control yourself, give yourself. It is a sequential order that, if broken results in problems. You can’t give yourself if you don’t know yourself. You can’t creatively express yourself if you have not dared to know and control yourself.

Art is what you are doing when you do your best work: the more reason you must treat each and every one of your creations as a piece of art. And if you must create remarkable art, create you must with courage, confidence and conviction.

If you don’t have an unyielding will to create, you will easily be tossed here and there in your search for external validation. Real artists create, others find excuses.

So, do you have what it takes to be a real artist?

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section or let’s talk here.



Williams Oladele
Write A Catalyst

Creative writer by passion, digital consultant by choice. I help individuals and businesses to find and amplify their unique voice. olaidozen.com.ng/blog.