What we need for a happy life.

There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
3 min readJul 26, 2024


Photo by Wafer WAN on Unsplash

If a person is living in darkness, then he will be happy to see light.
If a person is trapped in a desert, then he will be happy to see water.
If a person is facing failures, then he will be happy to have some hope. 
But sometimes a person may not be happy after receiving so many luxuries.

How can we attain happiness?

Is it by fulfilling all our needs, meeting the person we want to meet, or attending to all types of luxuries? I don’t know about all the people because they have all set their minds to different things by which they can attain happiness.

But for some people, the world’s luxuries may not give them more happiness than a single smile from their favorite person can give them.

Yesterday, when I was taking a morning walk, I had a sudden realization that if a person is a coward, then he loves his life. But then I thought about why many people have a worse life than me, but they want to live. Then again, I realized that they have hope, and hope is a very powerful thing; it can give a person strength to face obstacles and also give a person courage to face the unknown.

Why are people not happy? Is attaining happiness that hard? These are some questions I had when thinking about that topic.

Humans need happiness and a happy life.

I have seen many people who are rich but have so much tension and depression, but on the other hand, a person with a low income and having a hard time is happy. 
What is the secret of happiness? Is it to have all the wishes fulfilled? No, it’s because human beings are so greedy they can’t get fulfilled by anything, so this is the right answer.

A person needs the right thing at the right time to be happy. He will be happy when you give him water when he is thirsty; he will be happy when you give him hope when he is sad; but he may not appreciate you when you give him knowledge when he needs food to eat.

A person doesn’t need many things to be happy. He can be happy even if he has no one except one person. He can be happy if he receives a normal job. He can be happy if he sees a smile on his family’s face. There are many ways he can be happy.

Negative people find many reasons to be unhappy, but a positive person can find many reasons to be happy in a positive situation.

You don’t have to think about the future or overthink your decisions. Once made, it won’t change anything. Just be confident and enjoy the present. You will find the world more beautiful.
There is no secret to attaining a happy life, because I have seen a poor husband happy because his wife was very supportive and loved him. They find their happiness in small things, and even if their life is hard, why can’t we? Why do we have so many expectations before doing anything? It will hurt you, so don’t have so many. Just do your job and don’t expect so much.

Enjoy every moment of your life because it’s very unpredictable and you don’t know when it will drag you down.

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