When Life Happens, Fitness Should Too

Why your fitness routine needs flexibility, not rigidity

Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst
4 min readSep 21, 2024


Image of author doing Bakasana
This is me: Doing Bakasana :))

The better you get at adapting your routine based on what’s going on in your life, the easier it’ll be to get in great shape and stay there. Think of your fitness routine like a river — constantly moving, changing course, but always flowing. Some days it’s smooth, other days there are rapids. But it doesn’t stop.

Wanna know a recipe for failure?

Thinking everything is going to go according to plan.

Life laughs at plans.

Take my morning routine, for example. I’ve got it all laid out in my head — wake up at 6 a.m., stretch, have breakfast, hit the workout.

But just as I’m about to start my day, my phone buzzes with an urgent work email. Suddenly, I’m knee-deep in problem-solving before I’ve even had my coffee. There goes my peaceful, structured start to the day.

Then, just when I’ve got my workout groove going, life throws a curveball. Out of nowhere, I’ve got to pack a bag and head off on some last-minute trip. Workout session? Skipped.

And meals? Forget it. Some days I’m on back-to-back calls or buried in a project that’s so absorbing, I forget to eat. Suddenly, it’s 3 p.m., and I’m realizing I haven’t had anything but coffee.

Sound familiar? Probably.

But here’s the thing.
The job still gets done, even if it doesn’t look exactly how I’d planned.

Realistically? You’re lucky if you get a perfect week — seven straight days where everything goes as planned. If that’s happening, buy a lottery ticket because you’re riding a rare wave.

In reality, it’s far more useful to get good at thriving in the chaos of life, instead of waiting for that magical moment when everything aligns.

Because guess what? That moment doesn’t last.

You’ve probably heard people say, “Wait until the timing is right,” or “I’ll start when life calms down.”

Newsflash: Life doesn’t calm down. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Whether it’s work, family, or just sheer unpredictability, something always tries to shake up your routine.

So, what do you do?

Adapt. Be flexible.
Not like yoga-flexible (although that’s great too), but mentally flexible.

Imagine your fitness goals are a house, and life is the weather. Some days, it’s sunshine and rainbows — everything’s perfect. But then a storm rolls in. Do you abandon the house just because it’s raining? No. You fix the leaks, grab a bucket, and keep living in it.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash
  • Perfect conditions are an illusion.
    There’s no such thing as the perfect day, perfect routine, or perfect week. The people who get in shape and stay in shape? They’re the ones who make progress no matter what the weather’s doing.
  • Expect interruptions.
    Whether it’s your urgent work email, an unexpected trip, or a long day of work, something will mess with your routine. Instead of fighting it, flow with it. Did your workout get cut short? Do a quick session at home. Missed a meal? Make the next one count.
  • Don’t wait for Monday.
    Ever notice how we love to say, “I’ll start fresh on Monday”? That’s just procrastination in disguise. Start today, start messy, but just start. If your day’s a disaster, fit in what you can. Something is always better than nothing.

Success isn’t about perfection

It’s about consistency — however, that looks.

Some weeks, consistency might mean hitting the gym five times and eating perfectly. Other weeks, it might mean squeezing in a 10-minute walk between meetings and grabbing a protein bar when you can.

The key is to keep going, even when the plan falls apart.

Fitness is a lifelong game, not a 12-week sprint. And if you’re serious about winning, learn to thrive in the chaos, adapt to what life throws at you, and stay flexible — both in mind and body.

Because those perfect conditions everyone waits for?
They don’t stick around for long.

It’s not about having time, it’s about making time and adapting to the unexpected.

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Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst

I write about self improvement, nutrition, fitness and life lessons | Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravindersinghfitness/