When Sleep Knocks

Everyone answers the call whether great or small

Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Abbie Bernet on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered that sleep has some powers only second to death? No matter how influential any man seems to be: once sleep comes, the rest is history.

Once upon a time, two men were in contention as to who was the most powerful in a certain land. One said nothing would make him lose his property. The other claimed, nobody could take over his territory.

Both were invited by a certain professor of law who asked them to allow the sleeping dog lie. But both men vehemently refused.

A day came, the two men were invited to settle the matter in the chamber of the respected professor. Before the matter could be heard, they were offered a cup of fresh milk each.

As both were sipping their drinks while waiting for the arrival of the important witnesses for both parties: both men had dozed off. Beside them were their bags with which they had their vitally sensitive documents for the meeting.

They were tapped on the back and called and shouted upon when the witnesses arrived. But all to no avail.

With each other’s mouth widely open as they embarked on a journey of deep sleep: in the presence of the witnesses, the lawyer opened their bags brought out the documents and gave each of the witnesses to sign.

The two witnesses reasoned with a sudden suggestion by the learned Prof that the best option would be to go ahead with the meeting, at least for the sake of peace.

At about an hour later, the two men regained consciousness as both witnesses and the lawyer smiled in a rather relaxed friendly manner. Yawning from ear to ear, they never knew they had dozed off for one and half hours.

At that point the lawyer announced to them: “Gentlemen, we tried our possible best to make you both to be part of the signing but we could not.

“So both witnesses in my presence agreed that the disputed landed property should be shared fifty-fifty between the both of you.”

“This was done in the interest of peace since all the previous efforts to settle this matter amicably had hit the brick wall.”

The two adversaries surprisingly nodded their heads in an astonishingly unbelievable unison.

The professor noted that it was only fresh milk that was offered them. It appeared that that was what relaxed their brains simultaneously.

One of them asked, “Did you say fresh milk?”

“Yes, Chief.”

“I do not take milk at all. My doctor had advised me that the only time I should take milk was when I wanted to have some sleep.”

“Are you kidding me?” The other man added in utter disbelief. “This is exactly the same case with me. Each time I take milk, in the next few minutes I must sleep off.”

“So, did you drug us with a cup of milk?”

“No, not all, Honourable. Both of you were offered it and you accepted it with much approval. Even the receptionist informed you both of the content and you mutually accepted.”

“But we were both arguing and disagreeing when we entered here.”

“Yes, that must have been the most likely reason none of you could reject what was not so convenient for your system.”

Like the Prodigal Son, the two strong-headed fellows realized that if it were death that knocked, they would have lost everything they were dragging. That was how they finally resolved to accept the wisdom of the Prof and their two witnesses.

“When sleep knocks, everyone answers”, the Prof told them with a wry smile.

Thanks for reading.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."