The Mysterious Magic of 11:11: Why Do We Keep Seeing This Time?

Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2024


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Try as I might, I cannot avoid looking at the clock whenever it is 11:11. At first, I believed it was only a mere chance, but as it continued to repeat across different platforms, I began to wonder — is the universe telling me something?

It is not unusual to see double numbers, repeated several times in a given time. Still, 11:11 does not appear as common as other times, such as 3:33 or 4:44, which people do not get as excited about. When we see it, we feel an emotion, something that tells us it is not ordinary; it is unique and wants to be discovered.

People are fascinated with numbers, especially 11:11, which is symmetrical and repeats itself. It is unpretentious, simple to look at, and does not draw extra attention to itself. It is easily distinguishable on both LCD and analog watches, meaning it catches attention when one looks at the clock. Once we see 11:11, it becomes engraved in our heads or our subconsciousness. Then, without realizing it, we are constantly glancing at the clock as it moves toward 11:11 again and again.

However, beyond a mere occasional glimpse, some people think there is something more special about 11:11. According to numerology, the sum of the digits in the number 11 is 1+1=2, and its meaning is associated with awakening, insight, and manifestation. They…



Write A Catalyst

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