Why ChatGPT Will Destroy Your Mind

This includes its counterparts

Roland Millward
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Jonas Frey on Unsplash

AI is hailed as a great innovation. Sadly, whilst it appears to have benefits, there also is a downside. The majority who are concerned about the rise of AI worry about the loss of jobs. There is, in my opinion, something more sinister.

AI: ChatGTP and our minds

AI comes in many guises. The one form which most of us can use is ChatGTP or its equivalents.

In recent years it has become obvious that technology is taking a toll on the daily lives of many. Some are so glued to their phone screens they have lost the ability to have in-person friends. Their spelling and grammar has become very poor. Conversational and social skills have declined.

If you don’t believe me, maybe you’re one of those people who are hooked to their phone. Simply read social media posts, listen to conversations and the lack of skills is apparent. Many can’t spell. Words are mispronounced or the wrong words inserted into sentences as the meaning is not understood.

Our Brains Need Exercise

Our memories are not exercised. The brain has been likened to a muscle and needs to be stretched, just as we stretch a muscle in a gym. The smartphone and now AI is greatly reducing the need for…



Roland Millward
Write A Catalyst

No AI generated content! Proud grandad. I like variety and if you do too, then come along and read my stories. It's an eclectic mix!