Write A Catalyst
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2 min readMar 7, 2024


Why is academic learning losing its touch within society?

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

To begin with, what exactly is a learning process? Thus, to put it simply, this process consists of six interactive components: writing, higher-order thinking, processing, organizing, memory, attention, and language. All of these processes are involved in academic learning, including the development of social skills, which improves the classroom atmosphere and is essential to higher education.
From your point of view, what motivates people to focus on their academic studies? Academic education benefits society greatly by encouraging inquiry, creativity, and critical thinking in individuals. No doubt. So why do people, in practice, push themselves away from academic learning?
Given how fast time is flying, it is reasonable for people to be apathetic toward academic learning. To say that everyone wants to broaden their employment alternatives is not something wrong to do. Even so, why don't we hear more about these alterations, given how prevalent they are in society? or, more precisely, has been ignored or given less thought by people up until this point.

Overpopulation and fewer opportunities

To the best of my knowledge, the main reason why people are more interested in leisure activities than in academic endeavors is that the latter demand substantial time, patience, and commitment, which is difficult for many people to do in light of population expansion and a great fear of limited opportunities.
Most significantly, people are losing interest in learning because there are fewer and fewer opportunities in the academic field, and the standard of education is also deteriorating.
In addition, people are constantly finding new ways to generate money online as it has evolved and become more popular. People are choosing social media over academic courses, mostly because it doesn't require any formal qualifications. Conversely, a person with a large social media following can become rather well-known and make a reasonable amount of money. Because of academic professionalism, the majority of the population nowadays spends more time on the internet than they do learning something new and developing some new abilities in the field of academic learning.

How can we close this gap more effectively? What do you suggest?

