Why Kindness Matters

Dan Sin
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2024
Colourful image with text “Be Kind” surrounded by hands.

We live in a world that’s constantly in motion. A world that sometimes feels… harsh, where negativity and judgment spread like wildfire. But there’s a simple yet profound force that can combat all the noise — kindness. It’s a choice, an action, a feeling that can transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

What Does It Mean to Be Kind?

Kindness doesn’t have to be about big actions. It’s in the small, everyday things we do. A warm smile for a stranger, holding the door for someone entering a room, or truly listening to a friend without looking at your phone or trying to fix their problems. Kindness is about seeing the person behind the situation, no matter their background or what they’re going through.

Where to expect it from?

Once, while waiting for a friend, I saw a blind man trying to cross the street. I saw a few people walk past him, while he patiently waited for the traffic to die down. Still, not moving myself, I watched a man with a cigarette in one hand, a bottle of beer in the other, walk to the blind person. He then steadily helped the man cross to the other end.

That felt like kindness. I am guilty of judging a book by its cover, but I’m glad I did then. It was a lesson.

The Benefits of Being Kind

The beautiful thing about kindness is that it spreads like sunshine. It doesn’t just brighten someone else’s day; it warms your own heart too. Science even backs this up: studies show that being kind actually makes us happier and healthier. It lowers stress and gives our mood a boost!

Here’s a quote from a study done by the American Psychiatric Association:

Research has also found that kindness can increase happiness and self-esteem, while decreasing stress and emotional reactivity.

How to Bring More Kindness into Your Life

  • Start with yourself: Be good to yourself. Take care of yourself.
  • Pay it forward: Karma COULD be a _____.
  • Perform random acts of kindness: Don’t hesitate to offer your seat to someone who needs it more. Help your loved ones.
  • Be kind online: In a world full of digital negativity, choose to spread positivity.

Here are a few inspiring videos on kindness:

The next time you have the chance to show kindness, big or small, take it. Make someone’s day!

