Life Lessons | Making it Big

Why Most People, Like Us, Will Never Get Rich

A brutal truth you can’t ignore, it’s not about luck or fate, but you still hold the key to make or break your riches.

Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2024


Phwah! Living large! Image by author via Midjourney.

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Ever noticed how once one hits a certain level of wealth, like those big names — Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban — it just seems to keep growing?

Besides, it’s like there’s some kind of secret formula to amassing wealth that these guys have figured out.

However, is that the case? It’s quite intriguing to dive into their success tales, but let’s pause for a moment and look at the bigger picture here.

It’s not like these big names started from zero.

They had a head start. Gates, for instance, his dad was already a successful lawyer. And Cuban? He cashed in millions from his first company before hitting the billion mark.

Now, this isn’t to take away from their hard-earned achievements — they took what they had and ran with it.

But just imagine starting from scratch, with no safety net beneath you.



Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst

Fractional Chief Communications Officer embracing life's wisdom | By day crafting strategic communications and narratives | At night, asleep.