Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Start

Here’s why taking action today is your key to unlocking success.

Write A Catalyst
3 min readSep 18, 2024


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard this before, especially if you’ve been with me since day one. But this time, I’m coming at it from a different angle. We all wait for that “perfect moment” to start something whether it’s a new project, a life change, or a dream we’ve tucked away for years. But I’m here to tell you that the perfect time to start is right now. And if that sounds confusing, I get it. Your mind might try to convince you otherwise.

The Battle Against Resistance

The moment you consider starting something that excites you, fear kicks in. It’s like a reflex. Your mind starts throwing doubts: “What if I fail?” “What if the timing is off?” These are blocks. And the stronger the excitement, the more forceful the resistance.

Recognizing that these blocks stem from fear, not logic, is key to breaking through them. The ego loves to cling to comfort, to what’s known. But growth doesn’t come from comfort zones. It comes from action.

Why Now?

Whatever it is you’re aiming to start, now is the perfect time because now is the only time you have. The present moment is literally all we control. The future? It’s unpredictable. We can plan, imagine, and forecast, but none of it is guaranteed. What is guaranteed is this moment. Right now.

And guess what? The universe is supporting you right here, right now. That doesn’t mean everything will go perfectly or painlessly. It just means that things will unfold as they need to, according to the grand design. Whether you start today or five years from now, the experience will be what it’s meant to be. But why wait?

The Illusion of “The Perfect Time”

Waiting for all the stars to align is an illusion. There’s no magical moment when everything clicks into place. There’s only this moment. We often tell ourselves, “I’ll do it when I have more money,” or, “I’ll start when I’m more confident.” But here’s the secret: Confidence comes after you start. Resources align after you take the first step.

Think of someone learning to ride a bike. They don’t wait until they’re sure they won’t fall. They get on the bike, wobbly at first, and find their balance along the way.

Start, Restart, Repeat

Starting isn’t a one-time event. You’ll need to start and restart, commit and recommit, more times than you think. But each restart is still progress. Every time you get back on track, you’re shaping your path. The important thing is to keep creating. Don’t let the fear of imperfection or timing keep you stuck.

As the recent Gilmore Girls revival put it: “It’s never or now.”

Final Thoughts

If you’ve got something inside you — an idea, a dream, a project — bring it to life. Don’t wait for the “perfect” time. Start now, and watch how the universe helps everything fall into place.

Make your magic. The world is waiting.

