Why Tweaking Your Logo Won’t Grow Your Business — Do This Instead

Joe Testouri
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2024
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Starting and growing an agency or coaching business can be hard, especially when you don’t know what to focus on. It’s easy to get stuck doing things that don’t really help your business grow.

Have you ever felt like you’re working hard but not seeing any growth? Maybe you spend a lot of time changing your website, making your logo perfect, or organising your office.

These tasks are important, but they don’t bring in money or new clients.

Jim Rohn once said,

“You shouldn’t be majoring in the MINORS.”

This means you shouldn’t spend most of your time on small tasks that don’t help your business grow. Many business owners make this mistake, focusing on things that don’t lead to real growth.

The right actions — like running ads or reaching out to people — are what bring in new clients and sales. Without these, even the best products or services go unnoticed, and you miss out on money.

It’s time to change your focus.

Concentrate on two main things: getting leads and making sales. Here’s how you can start:

1. Run Ads

Think of ads like planting seeds in a garden. If you plant your seeds in the right spot and take care of them, you’ll grow a lot of flowers. Running ads is like planting those seeds.

You show your ads to the right people — people who need what you’re selling. This can help you get more leads and potential clients.

Paid ads let you reach more people than just waiting for them to find you on their own. It’s like using a loudspeaker to tell everyone at a busy market about your great products.

Whether you use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram promotions, a good ad campaign can really help your business grow.

2. Outreach

Reaching out to potential clients is like making new friends. You need to talk to them, share your ideas, and show that you care.

This helps build strong relationships. When you reach out, you’re not just sending cold emails or messages. It’s about truly connecting with people.

Attend events, join online groups, and talk to your audience on social media. Imagine you’re at a party, and you’re chatting with new people.

By being friendly and helpful, you become the person they think of when they need your services.

3. Engage and Nurture

Engaging with your audience is like taking care of those new friends. Keep in touch, share useful tips, and answer their questions. This makes your audience feel valued and understood.

Use your blog, email newsletters, and social media to share helpful information. It’s like writing letters to friends, sharing news, and giving advice.

When people see that you care about their success, they’ll trust you more and want to buy your services.

Focusing on these key areas isn’t just a good idea — it’s the best way to grow your business. When you work on these important activities, you’ll start to see real, lasting growth.

Prioritise What Really Matters

Transform your business by focusing on the actions that lead to growth. It’s easy to get distracted by small details, but always come back to what brings in leads and sales.

This change in how you think will not only help your business grow but also make sure your efforts are used wisely.

By concentrating on getting leads and turning them into sales, you set your business up for success. The tasks that don’t directly help with this can wait.

Your main focus should always be on activities that move your business forward.

Remember, the most successful agencies and coaching businesses didn’t get there by accident. They knew how important it was to focus on the things that make a big difference.

By following these steps, you can do what they did and enjoy the rewards of a successful business.

Start today. Focus on what really matters, and watch your business grow beyond your dreams.

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My name is Joe. I run a $20K+/Mo marketing agency (Bespoke Brand Developers) while traveling around the world. I write to share the knowledge I wish I had access to when I started my agency in 2019. Follow me and stay tuned for more business/agency scaling knowledge.



Joe Testouri
Write A Catalyst

I share my agency knowledge to help you scale your agency business to $20K/Mo. The Founder of Bespoke Academy. Scaled my agency & coaching business to $40K/Mo.