Why You Must Be Bold To Share Your Knowledge!
When I spot an engineer's technical achievement in my software engineering profession, I encourage them to write about it and share it with a wide audience.
I offer them help and assure them that I guide them through publication.
Still, many hesitate — including those who can with abundant time.
The most common excuses I hear are-
- Well, I am sure someone has already written about it!
- Will people be interested in reading this?
- I saw advanced content on this topic from X and Y, so I am not sure.
If you are someone who makes the above excuses due to the fear of bringing out your content, read on!
If you are a mentor or coach who gets frustrated when the people you try to encourage make such excuses, read on!
Several great ideas and achievements remain invisible.
It’s not due to laziness.
It’s often the fear of self-evaluation by undervaluing our work by comparing it with someone else’s.
Many have been through such situations but turned their life around.
So can you!