Wisdom Can Disguise As Foolishness Sometimes

Yes, certain acts could look like being foolish at some point but the wisdom therein is revealed afterwards

Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readJun 10, 2024


Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

As controversial as this could sound, follow me gradually. From time immemorial until now, men have carried out actions and activities that appeared to be foolish at some point in time.

Not quite long ago, as one of the examples here, a topmost Nigerian businessman and banker revealed how he started the Zenith Bank PLC with the sum of N20 million naira (roughly $20,000).

Jim Ovia started the bank that has grown to be one of Nigeria’s, if not Africa’s, leading financial institutions. Reports have it that when he invested in the banking business, another popular personality did also invest the same amount in a palatial mansion.

Both of them were investments, one would say. As of then with the often winding up of banks, it appeared a foolish investment. Today it is no more.

The Zenith Bank is doubtless worth tens of millions of dollars. The worth of the house could not be ascertained as at the time of writing this piece.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."