Wisdom Can Disguise As Foolishness Sometimes

Yes, certain acts could look like being foolish at some point but the wisdom therein is revealed afterwards

Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

As controversial as this could sound, follow me gradually. From time immemorial until now, men have carried out actions and activities that appeared to be foolish at some point in time.

Not quite long ago, as one of the examples here, a topmost Nigerian businessman and banker revealed how he started the Zenith Bank PLC with the sum of N20 million naira (roughly $20,000).

Jim Ovia started the bank that has grown to be one of Nigeria’s, if not Africa’s, leading financial institutions. Reports have it that when he invested in the banking business, another popular personality did also invest the same amount in a palatial mansion.

Both of them were investments, one would say. As of then with the often winding up of banks, it appeared a foolish investment. Today it is no more.

The Zenith Bank is doubtless worth tens of millions of dollars. The worth of the house could not be ascertained as at the time of writing this piece.

The industrialists-cum-businessmen who pioneered the revolution known as Dubai today had once approached their Nigerian counterparts for the venture. The idea did not completely sound wise to the latter.

Today, Dubai and similar Middle East sprawling cities are self-sufficient testimonies.

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A highly successful West African blogger (name withheld) once narrated how he was the only one liking his own posts. It appeared a foolish venture to go into such line of human endeavour.

He was however not deterred by apparently discouraging outcome. He continued building the ‘adventure’ that has incredibly made him a multimillionaire in dollars.

The legendary Brazilian footballer, Roberto Carlos once did grant a rather touching interview to a media outfit. In the interview, he recalled how he had hanged on to the rear fender of a moving commercial bus to get to his training ground.

He was too poor and broke to afford a transport fare. Yet he would go to training and go back without anything in return financially. His determination nevertheless paid off as he won major laurels without Brazil and Real Madrid of Spain respectively.

Worthy of mention were the Japan/South Korea 2002 FIFA Men’s World Cup (if my memory still serves me right) and the European Champions League, just to mention a few. At a time, he was regarded as one of the best-attacking fullbacks in the world.

His wisdom was apparently vindicated when he bought an expensive long vehicle to help his father’s business.

Recently, I read of a teacher in Kenya who had devoted his time and resources to helping indigent students and pupils. Mr Peter Tabichi was reported to have won the best teacher’s prize worth a million dollars due to selfless sacrifice.

Image obtained by author.

Nigeria’s ex-international Nwankwo Kanu was another interesting example. The two-time African footballer of the year was said to have passed through a lot of ‘hard’ times during his secondary school days.

His determination to play football, especially after a life-threatening heart surgery immediately after the Atlanta96 Olympics where he had led the “Nigerian Dream Team I" to win the first ever Olympic gold medal in football.

When he continued to play football after the surgery in an American hospital, it appeared foolish. But the wisdom was confirmed as he was announced the 1999 African best player while being part of the famous invincible team of Arsenal FC of London in 2003.

In the final analysis, when I once read a certain historical report, it made me to wonder at wonder itself.

The book stated that the early explorers who discovered South America went in search of gold. Those who discovered North America, on the other hand, went in search of God.

Today, the contrasting developmental strides in both continents confirm the title of this story: at least, to a reasonable extent. Little wonder the Good Book says: “Wisdom is justified of her children.”

Thanks for reading.

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Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."