Wishing My Diverse Medium Community A Happy Easter!!

How Do You Spend Your Holiday? I Would Love To Hear About It

Write A Catalyst


Image by Author — I live in a community called Bear Creek. Even the bears get decorations for holidays!

I wanted to wish my AMAZING Medium family a Happy Easter!!!!

My favorite part about writing for Medium is the incredible community. I now consider so many of you friends and I would love to see how you spend your holiday. Whether it’s Easter, Passover, or another holiday you celebrate, I would love for you to share how you celebrate.

I find it so fascinating that we are such a diverse community from so many drastically different corners of the world. We have different foods, customs, religions, languages, clothing, education, and viewpoints. Despite all of our differences, we are brought together by one thing — our passion for writing.

Our love of writing shines through our stories. I adore reading about all of your different cultures. It’s especially interesting to see how people spend holidays with their loved ones. I’d like to briefly share how I spent my Easter and I would love for you to do the same in the comments.

My children and I began celebrating Easter the night before by preparing food and dying eggs. My son who’s 12 years old took a little convincing this year to join in the egg dying but he eventually joined in.



Write A Catalyst

Nurse turned Freelance Writer! Health and Wellness Articles. Hoping to help us all improve our Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health! Proud Momma of 3 kiddos