You Are a Better Writer Than I Am, But How Much Does That Really Matter?

Andres Vourakis
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Stepan Kulyk on Unsplash

It’s the third time this week

I started twisting and turning in bed but did my best not to open my eyes to grab my phone and give in to the temptation.

Maybe it's from all the writing I’ve been doing, but I notice that little voice in my head is becoming a lot more persuasive.

I just wish I wasn’t using it so much on myself…

Wake up Andres, you know lying there with your eyes closed isn’t getting you anywhere.

You might as well take advantage of prime writing hours.

You can take a nap in the afternoon.

So I get out of bed, grab a glass of water, and open my laptop.

Photo by Melissa Mullin on Unsplash

That’s how most of my work days have begun lately.

But whether or not my work routine is becoming problematic and unsustainable is a topic for another day.

It's through hard work and dedication that I’ve achieved significant growth and earned substantially for my writing in such a short amount of time.



Andres Vourakis
Write A Catalyst

Data Scientist turned Solopreneur. Follow my journey to Financial Freedom.