You Don’t Learn Your Lessons

Grant Nwakanma
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2024

I made a gruesome mistake in the last 5 years, I repeated them 4 years ago, I still continued making the same mistakes three and two years ago. Last year I repeated the same mistakes and you won’t believe it I’ve repeated those same mistakes again this year.

A wise man once said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expects different results”. Most times we get beaten by life because we do not learn from our past.

You notice someone complaining everyday instead of standing on their feet, manning up and facing their fears. Why won’t life beat you repeatedly?

Being broke can be funny sometimes, but what isn’t funny is still being in the same spot you were five years ago. You know why; because you have refused to change, you are unwilling to learn, you don’t learn your lessons, you don’t think of how to improve your life, you don’t even know where you’re going nor do you know why you are here.

Instead of sitting, crying, complaining and wallowing in self pity, the why me syndrome, the victim mentality, why not ask yourself, why not question your being, why not be introspective for a while, why not reflect and think “how will I improve my life, how will I rise to the top, how will I move to the next level”.

A new level attracts a new Devil but you, you are up to the task, ain’t nothing can stop you if you believe in your powers.

I’m a big believer in learning from the past, from my mistakes, I don’t like repeating my mistakes but the truth is I do not learn, I still repeat these same mistakes all the fucking time.

Mistakes that have cost me a lot of money, time and resources and am beginning to hate myself for it. I’m always reflecting; I’m supposed to be at a certain stage now, I’m supposed to reach a certain height but I don’t learn my lessons.

And I think life will continue to beat me until I decide to sit up.

I got promoted at my workplace but things still ain’t easy for me, looks like I’m still stuck where I was two years ago despite the promotion.

Truth be told, it ain’t easy, maybe over responsibility is drowning me down, maybe I carry a heavy load on my shoulders, but it’s been two years since the promotion, I’ve gathered some experience and am supposed to have learned from them but I haven’t.

That is why life will keep on beating me until I decide to learn my lessons.

I wrote this article because I am sad and heartbroken, I am not where I am supposed to be because I’ve refused to learn my lessons.

And it’s a message to you all to always learn from your past, it’s an experience you’ve acquired to prepare you for the morrow, the future and if you don’t apply those experiences in the future, life will continue to deal with you. Harsh truths. A bombshell.

If you don’t learn from your mistakes then forget growth. The only way to make progress and growth is to analyze your mistakes, see what went wrong, correct it and make sure not to repeat it again.

Sincerely speaking, we do repeat our mistakes but if we don’t garner the lesson from the mistake, if we don’t learn from that lesson, we will fail in that lesson and more importantly it will affect our other learnings. Everything is interlinked. So don’t ignore anything.

Let’s take a look at one of the darkest moments in human history: World War 11.

During the war, millions of lives were lost, entire cities were destroyed and the world was brought to its knees. Even after the war, the devastation lingered.

It lingered in the mind of survivors, in the physical and emotional scars of those who were directly affected and in the legacy of a world changed forever. But the most important lesson of all was that we must never forget what happened so that it can never happen again.

We must learn from our mistakes else we risk being doomed to repeat them.

If we had never learned the lessons of World War 11, where would we be now? We might still be living in a world of hatred, of violence and of war.

We might be living in a world where people aren’t free to express themselves and where basic human rights are non existent.

We might be living in a world where the cycle of violence never ends and peace is a distant dream. It is only through learning from our mistakes that we can make sure that the world is a better place for future generations.

The lessons we learn from our mistakes are the building blocks of progress, of hope and of a better tomorrow.

This is why we must never forget the lessons of our mistakes. We must learn from them and use them to shape a better future.

We must remember that the consequences of not learning from our mistakes are far too devastating to bear.

“Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don’t look back at it too long. Mistakes are life’s way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all and your failures when they happen are just part of your growth. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will definitely come”.

It was Henry Ford who said “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing”.



Grant Nwakanma
Write A Catalyst

My ambition is to be more than just a writer. The elevation of today's generation if I could make them listen.