You’re More Than Your Career

If our careers don’t define us, what does?

Write A Catalyst


A job is the most practical way to introduce ourselves to others.

Indeed, after the relative question “How are you doing?”, the most common, yet useful, question we ask each other is “What do you do for a living?”. It is useful because it will become a concrete output to understand who we are talking to.

Two Aliens mulling over jobs
Illustration Drawn By The Author!

This question opened the conversation I had a few weeks ago with my (unknown) uncle.

I never had a real parental relationship with him, and when my phone rang I didn’t even recognize his number.

A guy looking at an unknown phone number
Illustration Drawn By The Author!

He sounded super excited to talk to me, however, my answer to his question about my job, shut down all his initial enthusiasm like water poured on fire.

“I’m working in a pizza place”, I said.

A guy talking to his uncle over the phone
Illustration Drawn By The Author!

His comment moved something in me. I felt the exigence to defend myself from that banalization of my job.

