Interesting Posts

Yubitsume: The Brutal Yakuza Ritual of Finger Cutting

Delving into the Cruel and Bizarre Practices of Japan’s Notorious Mafia

Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Yakuza Mafia (Image Source)

In this respect, it is possible to note many more shocking and perversely bizarre activities committed by the mafias of different countries.

The outstanding and rather cruel practice is yubitsume — the main ritual of Japan’s Yakuza.

This process, practiced byerk members and implicating the cutting of one’s own finger is a clear example of Yakuza’s heartless and iron clad discipline.

What is Yubitsume?

Yubitsume translates to ‘finger shortening,’ it is a regular practice where a stem of the finger is cut to apologize or to show worth to the group.

Starting from the 18th century and initially part of the Yakuza initiation ceremonies, this practice reveals strong violence within the gang.

How is it Performed?

Yubitsume, this is whenever an individual involved in the Yakuza organization makes a major mistake or even disobeyed important rules in the organization.

The action entails using a knife to chop off the first finger of the left hand then take the finger…



Write A Catalyst

“Graduated in Accounting from Uludağ University. I write motivational and intriguing articles.”