‘Honey Girl’ By Morgan Rogers Book Review

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2 min readApr 25, 2021
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

This book hit me hard, and I took it personally- haha.

It inspires vulnerability and self-esteem.

Dr. Grace Porter is a recent graduate that has a plan! Grace has a clear plan, and she has checked most of her boxes. The most important question is, who wrote this plan? Is this her plan or her dad’s plan? Was love ever in the plan?

Honey Girl starts with Grace Porter celebrating her recently earned doctoral degree in Las Vegas, NV with close friends. While in Las Vegas, Grace impulsively makes a decision that could affect her life forever. When she returned home, she had to make more decisions regarding post-grad life. Where will she work? Where will she live? Is it finally time to stop accepting Dad’s money?

Life was never easy for Grace. She was trained to weather the storm by standing strong and sizing her opponents. She was never prepared for the mental opponents. It was time for Grace to tackle the emotions she was trained to push aside.

I loved how Morgan Rogers captured post-grad depression and the struggles black women face in a career made to keep us out. Grace studied astrology. How many black female astrologists do you know without using google? Exactly! Morgan Rogers also tackled two different parenting styles. Grace had a very strict father that wanted to prepare her for the world. He instilled tough love and resilience because he knows how hard the world can get. Her mother, on the other hand, was very much a hippy! So Grace received both spectrums of parenting.


While in Las Vegas, Grace marries Yuki. Yuki shows her how effortlessly she can believe in the impossible. Yuki and Grace are yin and yang, and it fits so perfectly.



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