I Read “The Trailer Park Rules” By Our Own Michelle Teheux

It was only after I finished reading that I realized what Michelle did here. And it’s pretty brilliant.

Linda Caroll
Write and Review


The Trailer Park Rules, by Michelle Teheux, photo by author

The book opens with flames shooting out the roof of the bowling alley. Which everyone would consider bad except the one man chasing the fire trucks. So excited to see flames shooting into the sky.

He’s a reporter for the local paper. Saw it on the way home from another long day. Beats the heck out of covering nonsense like city council meetings. He pulls up, takes some bread & butter shots. Emails his boss.

Posts to social media, too. Which, truth be told, is half of why he works such long hours for crap pay. Gotta feed the social media monster. Videos, photo galleries, social media posts. And if he doesn’t do them on top of his job, the regional editor will have his butt. Maybe even get laid off.

Asks the fire chief a few questions to feed the story then drives home to the trailer park. Only thing he can afford on what they pay. Makes him mad. The CEO makes millions while employees need food stamps.

Ain’t that the story of half of America. Working too hard for too little.

