Artificial Intelligence
Can We All Stop Talking About ChatGPT Already?
The answer to that question? Apparently not
The internet is abuzz with discussions about Artificial Intelligence and related topics, most of which seem to be focused on the popular Open AI program ChatGPT. Newness is decidedly a factor as the natural language model platform was only fully opened to the public in the last few months.
At first blush it is easy to think, “so what?” Certainly, to many this probably seems like a relatively inconsequential development. A novelty like Ask Jeeves that will tumble into some version of obscurity once the shiny newness of asking a computer a question once again loses its luster.
This time, however, I think language generating intelligence will likely change our lives in ways yet unseen. Already the value of a tool that can synthesize search engine information into cogent and usable lists demonstrates the flexibility of such a tool.
Clearly as well it is easy to visualize applications such as technical support and customer service relying heavily on such language generation. Infinitely more flexible and scalable than the automated phone tree. And, perhaps even more pleasant that the operators you get once you navigate the maze of non-helpful choices and…