Music | Inspiration

Who’s Ready for a Musical Interlude?

It’s not healthy to persistently obsess over things we cannot control. Let’s listen to a little music instead

Timothy Key
Write by Fire
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2021


As the US is on the eve of inauguration of its next president it feels a little bit like we are all collectively holding our breath. On one hand it is a new beginning; a much needed one seemingly. But the counterpoint is that, realistically, not a lot will change all at once here in the United States.

The Trump presidency, as ugly and awful as it was, unfortunately is just emblematic of the current world we live in. The hyper-speed in which we can now receive information, and the emergence of so many new sounding boards and messages really leaves most of us staggering under the weight of trying to decode the daily onslaught of data.

We are experience the figurative “drinking from the firehose” experience, and it is impossible to evaluate all that we see or hear and accurately divine any truth from it. As a result, we have become polarized into camps and have become divided as a nation like never before.

I am hopeful that tomorrow is a steppingstone to changing that for the better, however I know that simply a regime change isn’t enough to create transformation. It will…



Timothy Key
Write by Fire

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.