Why 2020 Didn’t Really Suck

While it perhaps wasn’t the best year ever, it was still pretty good

Timothy Key
Write by Fire


As the year came to a close and we celebrated the arrival of 2021, there were plenty of people wishing 2020 good riddance. In fact, for most of the year the mantra was that 2020 was the worst year ever, its unofficial symbol even became the dumpster fire.

I voiced my agreement to that sentiment many times throughout the year along with everyone else. But now as we look back in fond remembrance (or disgust, if that is your wont), there are several highlights that stand out, many either in spite of Covid, or some because of it.

Of course, everyone’s perspective will be very different. However, in the case of my family I would generally say that most of the impactful effects of 2020 turned out positive in the end. And, for that, I am grateful.

The area of finance was one that was varied for many of us. While I know there were many that experience negative, and even catastrophic financial setbacks, we actually fared pretty well economically this last year.

My wife works in an essential role, so her employment was largely unaffected, and in fact due to increased ability to work overtime, she pulled in her highest annual salary ever. Meanwhile, we had already chosen for me to remain out…



Timothy Key
Write by Fire

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.