Lorenzo Mateos
Write Club
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2016


Going home for spring vacation I had time to spend my time with my parents. During my stay we decided to watch our local news to see what was happening in our city. Presidential candidate for the republicans, Donald J. Trump was one of news that, FOX channel had a segment for. During that segment they were saying how Trump was blaming immigrants for not making “American Great” and without them American will be great “again”.

We hear and see media in almost every aspect of our lives. Media can inform us and at the same time can entertain us in a way to escape reality. What if that reality is being controlled by those people that are supposed to help us be informed? At times we do not question if media is telling us is real or not. We hear from them via, television, radio, advertisements etc. Sociologist have argued media is a source where society learns its values, beliefs and behavior which will be all play a key role on how society is built.We intake what they tell us with out putting at times any critical thinking on what they are trying to tell us. Since media has a great influence on society, they can manipulate our thoughts and beliefs which some call propaganda.

This propaganda helps create stereotypes towards immigrants. One of the major stereotypes that they keep mentioning about immigrants is that they are filled with diseases. Many anti-immigrant groups and individuals believe when media mentions that immigrants bring diseases with them.

Multiple research has found that immigrants do not bring such diseases. As an example, Malaria, is only transmitted by mosquitoes and not by human beings. These false beliefs that immigrants bring with them diseases perpetuates stereotypes that anti- immigrant groups use as evidence to the public in which they are willing to manipulate the data to further their fear of getting to know new people.

It was nice discussing this issue with my parents, now they have an idea of what media has been doing to new groups that they do not understand.

