The Struggles Minorities Face That Affect Their Health
By Laura Rochelle
Racial disparities in health and the complex ways in which ethnicity, and socioeconomic status combine to affect the distribution of poor health in the United States is impossible to ignore. Just consider the evidence from these studies that shows the Percentage of Hispanics, American Indian and Alaskan Natives that have no health insurance.
Studies also indicate that poor sleep has and impact on health, by getting good rest a person prevents themselves from having serious health problems like heart disease, heart attack, diabetes and obesity. Most people don’t think about people who experience discrimination also have a lack of sleep, these non white people loose sleep because of the stress that the discrimination produces.
Racial categorization in the United States has historically reflected the oppression, exploitation and social inequality of minorities.
United States has societally imposed a marginalization in minorities that’s harmful to what I believe is the most important aspect of a persons life, ones own health.
What can we do? Recognize the structural problems associated with racial inequalities and get involved.