The Ugly Truth: How My Good Looks Have Made Life Harder




Photo by Vladimir Yelizarov on Unsplash

I’ve always been told I’m pretty. From the time I was a little girl, people would comment on my appearance, telling me I was beautiful, cute, or adorable. At first, it felt like a compliment, something to be proud of. But as I grew older, I began to realize that my good looks came with a price — a price I hadn’t anticipated.

It wasn’t long before I started noticing the way people treated me differently because of my appearance. Men would stare at me in ways that made me uncomfortable, sometimes making lewd comments or gestures. Women would give me dirty looks or make snide remarks under their breath. It was as if my looks were a curse, drawing unwanted attention and judgment wherever I went.

One of the earliest memories I have of this was in high school. I was walking down the hallway between classes when a group of boys started catcalling me. At first, I ignored them, trying to keep my head down and focus on getting to my next class. But they persisted, getting louder and more aggressive with their comments. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I hurried away, wishing I could disappear.

As I got older, the unwanted attention only intensified. Men would approach me at bars or parties, trying to buy me drinks or strike up conversations. Sometimes they would be…



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Culinary arts grad, turned librarian, turned fantasy writer. Support my work and buy me a coffee! 💋