It’s all a lie — I was never meant to hold it .

Shrawan BK
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2 min readFeb 22, 2019

It’s all a lie,

that roams around my head,

neurons with,

infinitesimally small thoughts ,

with infinite rate of thinking


What do people do when

the emotions get chances

to recklessly control every of you?

the brain signals,

forget their route,

the signal routing fails,

and the whole of body ,


hands shake like,

millions of quakes originating,

with epicenter in the palm,

the body shivers like,

somewhere the top left,

has been stabbed ,

with sharpest knife possible,

the blood oozing,

in all possible direction,

yes, the pascal law validates here


so, the signals,

the brain signals,

the heart beat signals,

the signals of thoughts,

the signals of feelings,



brain stroke,

heart attack,

low feeling,

high feeling,

happiness and tears,

loneliness and fears,

warmth and cold,

light and bold,

peace and war,

heart and brain,

love and logic,

you and me




the super-conscious,

the auricles,

the ventricles,

It’s all a lie,

I am a lie,

I am a myth,

myth is a lie,

It’s all about what I desire,

what I demand from the universe,

what I expect from all the impossibilities,


the impossibilities and still an expectation,

a convolution,

sums up me,

and you ask me ,

Who are you ?

I don’t know !!!!


All I know is ,

I am not a good,

neither that much bad,

I am not a happy,

neither that much sad,

I am upset,

without knowing what it means,

I am alone,

enjoying every share of it,

I am screwed up,

tightened in opposite direction,

I am not a normal ,

I pretend as if I am,

I am careless,

I was always meant to be,

I’ve let to go of something,

I was never meant to hold it !!!!

