Let me breathe for a while in silence

Shrawan BK
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1 min readJun 25, 2018

Let me breathe for a while in silence,

I mean shut up.

As I keep quiet, and you go louder and louder,

and louder and louder,

and as I speak,

you say I am wrong with my words?

Then, what about you trying to persuade me in everything I don’t want to do?

What about you controlling me in every aspect and taking credit for who I am to the outer world today ?

How could you feel so proud when you know what I am like in inner, and you being the reason for this?

For a moment, if you shut up, and let me utter words within me,

may be I could actualize everything happening,

but you just go louder and louder and louder and louder !!

Just, let me breathe for a while in silence,

I mean shut up :)

